Author name: Ayo Supangco

A voracious social media consumer, Ayo is Magnolia’s Social Media and Content Specialist. He loves discovering ways to utilize platforms to boost the social presence of our clients while keeping an eye out for the next big thing and being an early adopter. One of Ayo’s lifelong dreams is to have a long and illustrious reign as a Jeopardy champion.

Build Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

How to Build Your Social Media Marketing Strategy: A step-by-step guide

To continue growing in today’s competitive markets a well-thought-out Social Media Marketing Strategy is key. And it’s not just about posting memes; it’s a roadmap that helps you understand your audience, create engaging content, and tackle any challenges you face to ensure you reach your business’s social media goals.

How to Build Your Social Media Marketing Strategy: A step-by-step guide Read More »

Supporting Event Networking with Social Media Campaigns

Supporting Event Networking with Social Media Campaigns

It’s easy to overlook the value of building business relationships in the flurry of AI trends and data-based marketing. However, in the B2B landscape where contracts can range from a few thousand to a couple of million dollars, establishing personal connections is essential to secure deals and maintain relationships. By prioritizing relationship-building at events, businesses

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Communications professional guide banner

From Pitches to Personal Health: Why Communications Professionals Need to Make Time for Themselves

As communications professionals, we often find ourselves spending long hours sitting down as we craft amazing digital marketing plans and PR pitches. In the midst of being in the zone, it’s easy to overlook the importance of taking care of one’s overall well-being. However, it’s crucial to prioritize physical and mental health to be able

From Pitches to Personal Health: Why Communications Professionals Need to Make Time for Themselves Read More »

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