Author name: Magnolia

Magnolia exists to help businesses tell their brand story and ensure that it relates to and resonates with their customers. At Magnolia, we are deeply committed to championing your brand and bolstering your reputation. Whether through digital advertising, PR, or content marketing, we ensure you have a continual, advantageous digital media presence that places you in the forefront of your market in a thought leadership position.

email marketing deliverability

Two Actions To Achieve A Healthy Email Deliverability Rate

Have you seen a low email deliverability rate despite your brilliant email campaign strategy? This is especially disappointing because your target audience is missing out on an opportunity to see your email that is designed to be visually appealing and offers relevant content. Let’s dive into two steps to take to increase your email deliverability

Two Actions To Achieve A Healthy Email Deliverability Rate Read More »

What should RESP holders do during a school year like no other?

Scott Evans, financial advisor, BlueShore Financial, talks about the importance of  basic planning for RESP, irrespective of the pandemic. Read the full article here:

What should RESP holders do during a school year like no other? Read More »

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