Author name: Magnolia

Magnolia exists to help businesses tell their brand story and ensure that it relates to and resonates with their customers. At Magnolia, we are deeply committed to championing your brand and bolstering your reputation. Whether through digital advertising, PR, or content marketing, we ensure you have a continual, advantageous digital media presence that places you in the forefront of your market in a thought leadership position.

5 Essential Omnichannel Strategies for Telecom Retailers to ‘Meet the Customer Wherever They Are’

The phrase “omnichannel strategy” can mean many things but, for telecom retailers today, it means staying competitive in a rapidly evolving industry.   Click here to read the full article:

5 Essential Omnichannel Strategies for Telecom Retailers to ‘Meet the Customer Wherever They Are’ Read More »

Are you financially prepared for 2021?

The year 2020 was a strange road to travel and everyone’s journey was unique. Some lost their jobs and were devastated, others kept getting a steady paycheque and saved more than ever, and some needed help to get through it. So what’s ahead for this year?   Click here to read the full article:

Are you financially prepared for 2021? Read More »

Trends Shaping the Future of Public Relations and Beyond 

The field of public relations constantly innovates to communicate effectively as consumer demands shift and brands embrace new communication methods. PR professionals are perpetually adapting to new trends that will shape the future of public relations, and influenced by lessons learned from the pandemic, understanding the importance of considering consumer mindset, pain points, and statistical

Trends Shaping the Future of Public Relations and Beyond  Read More »

Telecom Redefined: 5 Essential Omnichannel Strategies for Telecom Retailers

The phrase “omnichannel strategy” can mean a lot of things but, for telecom retailers, it means staying competitive in a rapidly evolving industry. Now more than ever, particularly with the COVID-19 pandemic changing customer behavior, implementing omnichannel solutions has become essential and customers will continue to expect it. Click here to read the full article:

Telecom Redefined: 5 Essential Omnichannel Strategies for Telecom Retailers Read More »

How Restaurants Can Use Technology to Expand Outdoor Space

Restaurant owners quickly adapted to the new reality by creating outdoor dining spaces, often in creative ways. While many of these new outdoor dining spaces are ingenious ways of making patrons feel safe with limited resources, most are temporary structures. Click here to read the full article:

How Restaurants Can Use Technology to Expand Outdoor Space Read More »

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