Author name: Magnolia

Magnolia exists to help businesses tell their brand story and ensure that it relates to and resonates with their customers. At Magnolia, we are deeply committed to championing your brand and bolstering your reputation. Whether through digital advertising, PR, or content marketing, we ensure you have a continual, advantageous digital media presence that places you in the forefront of your market in a thought leadership position.

Blogging: The Inevitable Marketing Strategy You Can’t Afford to Skip

Did you know the term ‘blog’ was coined in the year 1999 when Peter Merholz jokingly broke the word weblog into the phrase we blog in the sidebar of his blog Well, since then the essence of the word has evolved so much that today no brand can imagine omitting it from any of their marketing strategies.

Blogging: The Inevitable Marketing Strategy You Can’t Afford to Skip Read More »

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